Deville residents draw six-figure bails for juvenile charges

Arrests are accusations, not convictions.

April 15

Thomas Deville, 37, Deville — cruelty to juveniles 10 counts, $150,000 bail;

Surkelyn Sykes, 19, Pineville — felony flight, no head light, criminal damage, criminal trespass, reckless operation off-road vehicle, $26,100 bail;

Misty Wall, 41, Deville — cruelty to juveniles 12 counts, child desertion, obstruction of justice/evidence tampering, $210,000 bail

Daniel Wells, 58, Ball — sexual battery, indecent behavior with juvenile, contributing to delinquency, $75,000 bail. 

This date: 14 arrests, 4 of which included at least at least one contempt count.